0800 693 323


Ako Ngātahi

learning together

Perfect for:

Caregivers who are short on time and want to learn a variety of topics from the comfort of their own home.

workshop duration

  • ONLINE: 1 hour










Course Description

Ako Ngātahi (Learning Together) is our online training series to learn together from the comfort of your own home.  Two of our Regional Coordinators will discuss a therapeutic parenting topic in an interactive session, where you can join in the conversation and ask questions. 

Caregivers love these workshops because they are short, engaging, and cover 12 different topics every year (one per month). 

You can sign up for a one-off workshop, or attend every month to build up your knowledge throughout the year!

*NOTE: If you want to attend every month, you will need to reregister every month.

Workshop Topics

Click here for a more in-depth description of the topics below.

1. The ‘why’ behind the behaviours – Shield against Shame.

2. Healing Kids in Care: PACE is at the Core of Therapeutic Parenting.

3. The ‘A’, ‘C’, and ‘E’ in PACE: Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy.

4. The ‘P’ in PACE: Playfulness

5. Putting Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes: Mind-mindedness

6. Behaviour Support

7. Looking after Self

8. Parenting in a Healing Way: The DDP-informed therapeutic parenting approach

9. Reactive Children: Understanding the Volcano – Regulation based parenting with PACE

10. Introduction to Attachment Theory

11. Gently Challenging Children’s Hidden Needs

12. Helping your Child with Relationships









What caregivers have to say…

Impressed with the delivery, facilitation, timeframe, content. Looking forward to attending more.

I learnt about co-regulating a child and helping them express their feelings through words and not negative behaviors.

Really appreciate knowing we aren’t the only ones in this ship sailing along the rough seas sometimes!

Register Now

Interested in what you see? We would love to see you (virtually) at a Ako Ngātahi workshop soon!

Click the button below to be redirected to our training site and see when and where we are delivering this course this term, and register yourself.

Please Note

Our training delivery is focused during terms 2 and 3, with reduced workshops during terms 1 and 4, as we know this is the busiest time of year for caregivers.  We also do not facilitate training during the school holidays. Therefore, during certain periods of the year we have limited courses available on our training calendar.

If you are interested in participating in a training that you cannot see available on our training calendar, please get in touch with our Training Coordinator, Dagmar, by emailing her HERE.





