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Our resource library is designed to support caregivers and professionals on their learning journey with helpful videos, articles, posters, and more.

As we discover new helpful resources, we will add them to this page. If you are looking for a particular resource that is not listed below, please contact us, using the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page.












Helpful Organisations

Caring Families Aotearoa supports caregivers who are looking after children who are not biologically their own. If you don’t fit this category, we would still love to point you in the direction of another organisation who can meet your needs.

Video Resources

Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED talk

The most important period of a child’s development is their first five years. So, what can you do as a caregiver to help healthy brain development in your tamariki? Watch the video to find out.

Nadine Burke: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | TED talk

Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain.

Amelia Speaking: New Zealand Foster Care Short Film

Amelia Speaking is a reflective short drama on Director Sydney-anne’s personal experience with foster care. Produced by Ruby Hirst.

Brené Brown: We need to talk about shame | TED talk

Children growing up in a stable home learn through their parents how to regulate feelings of shame – this is a normal part of development. For children in care who haven’t experienced this, their shame becomes bigger and more toxic. Listen to Brené Brown talk about shame and how we can tackle it.

Ross Greene: Kids do well if they can

Tamariki in care with developmental trauma who display difficult behaviours can often be labeled as ‘naughty’ or ‘troublemakers’, but what if we shift our perspective? What if we think, “if this kid could do well, they would do well, because kids do well if they can.”

Dr Dan Hughes – Parenting a Traumatised Child While Living through COVID-19

Dan Hughes talks with Sez Morse, to foster carers, adopters, parents under pressure and all adults around traumatised children as we navigate our way through the Coronavirus pandemic.

For Caregivers

Becoming a Caregiver

Understand the process of becoming a caregiver and where to apply.

Your Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities

Whether you are caregiving through an non goverment organisation (NGO), Oranga Tamariki, or a whānau/kin placement, it’s important you understand your rights and responsibilities.

Financial Support

Check the types of financial support that is available to caregivers, and make sure you are getting everything you’re entitled to.

Printable Resources

Inside Outside Age Poster (with male figures)

Inside Outside Age Poster (with female figures)

Brain Poster

The Anger Iceberg

Trauma and Brain Development Poster

House Model of Parenting

Te Whare Tapa Whā

Fonofale Model Poster

Developmental Trauma Flowchart

Parenting in the moment

Two Hands of Parenting Poster

Volcano of Arousal

PACE Information Handout

PACE in action poster

Discipline Parenting Sandwich

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs