Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to 2023! The year is well underway with many schools heading back this week, and Waitangi Day is fast approaching. Good on you for making it through the school holidays. This time of year can feel really intense for adults and children alike. Whether it’s seen you braving the chaos of stationery shops for school supplies, sorting out uniforms for kids that don’t seem to stop growing, easing back into a school weekday routine or supporting anxious tamariki with their worries and feelings about returning to school and learning. It’s a big job to keep all these ‘balls’ in the air!

Stephanie James-Sadler
National Support Manager
0800 693 323
My days of work are Mon to Friday – school hours. At times I can be away from the office but I’d still love to hear from you if you need a chat: 027 5010 398.
We are also eager to help members connect and share with one another. Its truly hard doing the journey alone. If you want to start a small Caregiver group in your area, please let me know so that I can help you get one set up.
Our closed Facebook groups are another way of connecting when you want to chat to someone but are unable to get away from the house. If you would like to join the Caring Families Aotearoa Lower North Private Support Group, follow the link and click on join the group.
Important Reminder
Just a reminder there is still time to apply for the School and Year Start-up Payment (closes 28 February) and the Extraordinary Care Fund (the next round of applications closes 17 February). More information about each of these Work and Income NZ entitlements can be found at School and Year Start-up Payment – Work and Income and Extraordinary Care Fund – Work and Income
There is a range of online training taking place this month ranging from Family Dynamics – Torn Loyalties, What’s Behind the Behaviour – Healing Centered Engagement, Ako Ngātahi Learning Together.
To find out more about our online training, and other courses, check out our training calendar for more details and to register.

Foster Care Awareness Week, (6th – 12th March), is when we celebrate you, our wonderful caregivers. In the Lower North, we are collaborating with the Wellington Family & Foster Care Association Group and Ombudsman New Zealand, to offer you an information evening and get-together, followed by yummy dessert treats.

The Children in Care Team from Ombudsman New Zealand will give an empowering presentation on how they can support you when you have caregiving concerns and aren’t sure where to go next.
Date: Tuesday 7th March
Time: From 7.30pm
Where: The Loaves & Fishes Room, 2 Hill Street, Thorndon, Wellington
(to the side of Wellington Cathedral, Corner of Molesworth Streets, Thorndon)
We’d love to see partners there to also celebrate and appreciate the wonderful role as Caregivers you all do. Book the babysitters… we’ll see you there.
To register for this event please email with your name, phone number, and the number of people who will be attending.
Tiaki i a koutou anō, look after yourselves!