CEO Message August 2024

Kia ora
I’m sure many of you tuned in last week to the news coverage of Whanaketia, the Abuse in Care report from the Royal Commission of Inquiry. The report was absolutely harrowing, and I sincerely hope it provides a real catalyst for change in Aotearoa’s care and protection system.
Just as importantly, I hope that the report has not left you feeling misunderstood or undervalued. Please know that we acknowledge your wonderful mahi (work), selflessly opening your homes and your hearts to children who are not biologically your own. The continued demand for our training and support services shows there is a genuine desire among caregivers to learn how best to help children heal. I see you and thank you for your ongoing commitment to the tamariki (children) in your care.
Registrations for our National Conference, Picking up the PACE, have flown in so fast and I am thrilled to see that so many of you are joining us in Christchurch this year. There are only limited spaces left, so if you are thinking of coming, please be quick to register and secure your place. You can find out more and register here.
We are now welcoming nominations for the Excellence in Foster Care Awards next year. If you know an extraordinary caregiver who goes above and beyond for their tamariki and rangatahi, please consider nominating them for this award. Click here to learn more.
Keep warm and take heart in the fact that spring is near: bulbs are now rearing their heads and blossoms are beginning to bloom in their vibrant colours.
Mā te wā (Bye, for now, see you later).