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CEO Message July 2024

CEO Message July 2024

CEO Message July 2024Kia ora With the rising of Matariki signifying the beginning of the Māori New Year, now is a wonderful time to reflect on your health and wellbeing, plan for the future, and share memories of those who have passed. I hope you all managed to pause...

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Update from the Ombudsman

Update from the Ombudsman

Update from the OmbudsmanThe name doesn’t really roll off your tongue, we know. But the Ombudsman can be a valuable resource for caregivers and the children in your care. What does the Ombudsman do? Peter Boshier is New Zealand’s Chief Ombudsman. His main role is to...

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Using PACE with my Children

Using PACE with my Children

Using PACE with my Children"If only I had known about this sooner!" is a common phrase I hear from caregivers who have taken our training, and one I find myself saying a lot lately. When there’s moody behaviour, disrespect and meltdowns in my whare (home), I’m...

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Membership Survey Results 2024

Membership Survey Results 2024

MEMBERSHIP SURVEY RESULTS 2024 Our annual membership survey was completed by over 1,000 of you. Thank you! Your responses help us understand what is important to you and help shape the decisions we make when evaluating our support, training, events, and day-to-day...

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CEO Message June 2024

CEO Message June 2024

CEO Message June 2024Kia ora It feels like we say this every year, but it’s hard to believe we have already arrived at the beginning of Winter – the months feel like they’re flying by! Time to bring the winter woollies out of hibernation. I hope you all enjoyed a...

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CEO Message May 2024

CEO Message May 2024

CEO Message May 2024Kia ora, We received a fantastic response to our caregiver survey last month, and I would like to personally thank every one of you who shared your feedback with us. Gaining insight from you, our caregivers, is truly invaluable when it comes to...

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CEO Message April 2024

CEO Message April 2024

CEO Message April 2024Kia ora, This edition of snippets will be arriving to you at the end of the Easter long weekend. Whether you went away for the weekend or stayed at home, I hope you’ve enjoyed the extra few days off and treated yourself to a hot cross bun and...

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CEO Message March 2024

CEO Message March 2024

CEO Message March 2024Kia ora, March is a very special month for our organisation with one of our biggest events of the year, Foster Care Awareness Week, happening from Monday 4th – Sunday 10th March. We hope that as caregivers you always feel appreciated for the mahi...

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CEO Message February 2024

CEO Message February 2024

CEO Message February 2024Kia ora koutou, Welcome to 2024! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year with whānau and managed to enjoy some time outside in the sun. I trust the back-to-school transition went as smoothly as possible, and for those of you who are...

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Linda’s December Message 2023

Linda’s December Message 2023

Kia ora koutou, Well, here we are again at the end of another year! With Christmas just a few short weeks away, it’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed by our busy lives – finishing up at work for the year, school prizegivings, family gatherings to organise, and of...

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Vikki’s Story

Vikki’s Story

Vikki's StoryA TERRIBLE SITUATION – TWO T-SHIRTS and A TIN OF TUNA Sometimes we have caregiver stories shared with our team that remind us of the vital difference that our support and training can make to caregivers who have been ‘thrown in the deep end.’ Caregivers...

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Linda’s November Message 2023

Linda’s November Message 2023

Kia ora I hope your tamariki had a smooth transition back to school and that the first few weeks back have gone without too many hiccups. We know that for some children the return to school isn't easy, there can be high levels of anxiety, and a display of behaviours...

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September Message from Linda 2023

September Message from Linda 2023

Kia ora I’m sure you are all as delighted as I am that spring is here, and winter is done and dusted for another year. This winter certainly brought its fair share of extreme weather events around the country, and our aroha continues to go out to those of you who have...

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Dakota’s Foster Care Story

Dakota’s Foster Care Story

Dakota's Foster Care StoryDakota Albert is a 26-year-old mum to three gorgeous boys, and a wife to her high school sweetheart. Having grown up in foster care, she had a tough path to where she is now, but this has shaped the incredible wāhine that she is today. A...

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Linda’s August Message 2023

Linda’s August Message 2023

Kia ora Thank you to those of you who provided feedback on our *Care & Protection Green Paper. We received feedback from over 30 individuals, from government organisations, ministry officials, other relevant care sector organisations, as well as you, our caregiver...

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Linda’s July Message 2023

Linda’s July Message 2023

Kia ora June was a big month for Caring Families Aotearoa as we released our Care & Protection Green Paper to government organisations, ministry officials and other relevant care sector organisations, as well as you, our caregiver members. Our Green Paper...

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CSW Volunteer: Wayne Marshall

CSW Volunteer: Wayne Marshall

Critical Support Volunteer: Wayne MarshallWayne Marshall has been a Volunteer Critical Support Worker with Caring Families Aotearoa since 2009. In honour of Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu (National Volunteer Week), we spoke to Wayne about his experience as a Critical Support...

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Linda’s June Message 2023

Linda’s June Message 2023

Kia ora , Winter is officially here – time to break out the hot water bottles and pumpkin soup (if you haven’t already). Unfortunately, along with the cooler temperatures we have seen a number of severe weather events around the country.  We are holding those who have...

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