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June 2024 Canterbury Caregiver News

June 2024 Canterbury Caregiver News

Canterbury Regional Coordinator Caroline Graetz 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005Kia ora everyone, From my office I see the mountains getting whiter. Besides the cold, I am so happy to have seen so many faces at our Face-to-Face Training in Woodend and Christchurch in May....

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April 2024 Canterbury Caregiver News

April 2024 Canterbury Caregiver News

Canterbury Regional Coordinators Caroline Graetz 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005 Jared Paranihi 03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392Kia ora, In the beginning of March we started a 30 day ‘Self Care Challenge’ on our Canterbury Facebook Group, which was a wonderful reminder to look...

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February 2024 Caregiver News: Canterbury

February 2024 Caregiver News: Canterbury

Canterbury Regional Coordinators Caroline Graetz 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005 Jared Paranihi 03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392Hello everybody, It’s already February 2024! Crazy how time flies when it’s summer and we all are living outside, more or less! I hope you enjoyed the...

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December 2023 Caregiver News: Canterbury

December 2023 Caregiver News: Canterbury

Canterbury Regional Coordinators Caroline Graetz 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005 Jared Paranihi 03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392Hi everyone, Thank you so much for this fabulous year. It was so great to see you all at our training – face to face or online, at our support groups...

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September 2023 Caregiver News: Canterbury

September 2023 Caregiver News: Canterbury

Canterbury Regional Coordinators Caroline Graetz 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005 Jared Paranihi 03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392Welcome to the first day of Spring!  September is a very eventful month - Father’s Day on the 3rd, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week on the...

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Canterbury News – July 2023

Canterbury News – July 2023

Canterbury Regional Coordinators Jared Porter 03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392 Caroline Graetz 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005Kia ora koutou katoa, nga mihi mahana ki a koutou i tēnei taima Matariki. This year is passing by very quickly and offically winter has started. This is...

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Canterbury News – May 2023

Canterbury News – May 2023

Canterbury Regional Coordinators Jared Porter 03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392 Caroline Graetz 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005Kia ora koutou Canterbury Caregivers! Kia Ora, We hope you had a safe and eventful holiday season, and that the Easter bunny spoiled your...

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Canterbury News – April 2023

Canterbury News – April 2023

Canterbury Regional Coordinators Jared Porter - 03 281 7495 / 027 501 0392 Caroline Graetz - 03 470 1277 / 027 501 0005Kia ora koutou Canterbury Caregivers! “Excuse me?”…”What!”….”Are you sure?” it's April and nearly Easter. We don’t know about you, but this year is...

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Canterbury News – March 2023

Canterbury News – March 2023

Kia ora koutou Canterbury Caregivers! Foster Care Awareness Week is next week! We at Caring Families Aotearoa want you to know that you are doing an outstanding job of caring for your tamariki and rangatahi. You make a positive difference in our society by nurturing...

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Canterbury News – February 2023

Canterbury News – February 2023

Wow! To begin, you should be proud of yourself for making it through the summer break, (high-five). I pray that your holiday was as wonderful and worry-free as you deserve. As hard as it is to believe, it is the start of 2023, and that means one thing: time for the...

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Canterbury News – December 2022

Canterbury News – December 2022

Here we are in December… wow, it's amazing that we’ll be in 2023 very soon. I hope you get the chance to put your feet up after all the Christmas events and celebrations.  I know I’m certainly looking forward to the break. It's been great hearing all about the Family...

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Canterbury News – October 2022

Canterbury News – October 2022

Kia ora everyone, You’ll have noticed it’s lighter in the mornings and it’s getting darker later in the evenings. Yes, Spring is upon us. I hope you’re managing to get your tamariki (children) to bed with the changes. Daylight Savings bring! It can be a tough time for...

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Canterbury News – September 2022

Canterbury News – September 2022

Kia ora everyone What a month August was; and the weather events we survived!  I know some don’t go in for climate change but I have to say... Aotearoa (and the rest of the world) is experiencing some extreme weather events.  Our backyard is sodden... just as well we...

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Canterbury News – August 2022

Canterbury News – August 2022

Kia ora everyone We certainly are in the thick of winter now.  I hope you all have fared well with not much flooding and your roofs and trampolines are safely secured after what has occurred over the last couple of weeks. I know we all wish winter to hurry up and be...

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Canterbury News – July 2022

Canterbury News – July 2022

Kia ora koutou,  Already we are over halfway through the year, with the shortest day now well behind us. I hope you all had an opportunity to enjoy and celebrate in our first publicly recognised Matariki. On the Thursday night (23rd June) we had our Starry Night Skies...

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Canterbury News – June 2022

Canterbury News – June 2022

  Kia Ora Koutou,  The fire is going at home most nights now and last week we had our first decent frost which will stop the grass growing. What a growing season it has been for the garden! May started for me, travelling to Wellington and spending some very enjoyable...

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Canterbury News – May 2022

Canterbury News – May 2022

Kia ora koutou,  Oh boy its May already, nearly halfway through the year and into the second school term. Covid has certainly spread through our region now with so many whānau having been affected. Well done those of you who have managed through these tough times. May...

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Canterbury News – April 2022

Canterbury News – April 2022

Kia Ora Koutou,  Well I guess that’s it, Summer is over! With all the extreme weather conditions around the world and as close as Australia, I can’t help wondering if Global Warming is really starting to happen. It’s crazy while I see my northern colleagues on our...

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Canterbury News – March 2022

Kia Ora koutou,  How nice it is to be seeing the sun in Ōtautahi after so much rain. Driving to work this week I saw so much snow on the alps and it’s only February! Here’s hoping for an Indian summer.  Unfortunately, due to the increase in positive Covid-19 cases, we...

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