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June 2024 Central North Caregiver News

June 2024 Central North Caregiver News

June 2024 Central North Caregiver NewsChristine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Well, here we are in the first week of the Winter month.  It’s officially stew and soup season for us in our whare (home) and the kids love it!  Our...

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April 2024 Central North Caregiver News

April 2024 Central North Caregiver News

April 2024 Central North Caregiver NewsChristine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Here we are in April already, and in a couple of weeks we will be at the end of term one. Wow, how time is flying!  Do you have any plans for the...

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February 2024 Caregiver News: Central North

February 2024 Caregiver News: Central North

February 2024 caregiver news: central north regionChristine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393“WOW”  Here we are already in February 2024! I hope everyone's Christmas and New Years was full of love and laughter!  Strengthening...

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December 2023 Caregiver News: Central North

December 2023 Caregiver News: Central North

December 2023 caregiver news: central north regionChristine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Kia ora Koutou/Greetings everyone, WOW, here we are in the closing month of 2023!  What a year it has been, with a few challenges and...

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November 2023 Caregiver News: Central North

November 2023 Caregiver News: Central North

nOVEMBER 2023 caregiver news: central north regionChristine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Kia ora koutou katoa, I don’t know about you, but I am always surprised that it is this time of year again! I hope as you think back on...

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September 2023 Caregiver News: Central North

September 2023 Caregiver News: Central North

september 2023 caregiver news: central north regionChristine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Kia ora koutou katoa, It is hard to believe we are nearly at the end of term 3 already!  What have been some positives for your whānau...

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Central North News – July 2023

Central North News – July 2023

Christine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Kia ora koutou, Here’s hoping June was not too bad for you all with the weather conditions, as well as the ongoing strikes some of our school’s have been having.  It has been a...

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Central North News – May 2023

Central North News – May 2023

Christine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Kia ora koutou katoa, Well, I hope we all made it through the school holidays ok!  Did you manage to get some downtime for yourself?  I was fortunate enough to take part in a Wahine...

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Central North News – April 2023

Central North News – April 2023

Christine FrostCentral North Regional CoordinatorPh: 07 281 1137Mob: 027 501 0393Kia ora koutou katoa, Here we are in April and school holidays are just around the corner.  Do you have any plans for the holidays?  How will you keep your tamariki occupied?  For some of...

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Central North News – March 2023

Central North News – March 2023

Kia ora koutou katoa, Next week is Foster Care Awareness week, firstly I want to acknowledge you all for the wonderful job you are doing in providing a safe, loving and healing home for your tamariki.  Secondly, I would like to invite you to join us in celebrating you...

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Central North News – February 2023

Central North News – February 2023

Kia ora koutou katoa, I am thinking of those who have been affected by the ongoing weather events, and I hope you are all doing okay. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. If you need caregiver support during this time, please contact your agency. If you do not...

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Central North News – December 2022

Central North News – December 2022

Kia ora koutou, Here we are in December, where has the year gone may we ask ourselves? Well, I’m not sure to be quite honest but what I can say is, “the challenges this year have been intense”.  Upon reflection I can say this, I am proud I managed to get through the...

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Central North News – November 2022

Central North News – November 2022

Kia ora koutou, We are now in week four of the final school term, and yes, I am saying it again “time is flying”. I am looking forward to the nice summer weather and visits to the beach with my tamariki. We have been lucky with some awesome weather in the last couple...

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Central North News – October 2022

Central North News – October 2022

Kia ora koutou, Isn’t time flying!!!! Here we are in October already, with September being pretty flat tack it has been a little bit settling to know Spring is here and Summer is around the corner.  We have done some planting with more to come.  Its been an awesome...

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Central North News – September 2022

Central North News – September 2022

Kia ora koutou, What a month August was; and the weather events we survived!  I know some don’t go in for climate change but I have to say... Aotearoa (and the rest of the world) is experiencing some extreme weather events.  Our backyard is sodden... I hope you...

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Central North News – August 2022

Central North News – August 2022

Kia ora koutou, What a month August was; and the weather events we survived!  I know some don’t go in for climate change but I have to say... Aotearoa (and the rest of the world) is experiencing some extreme weather events.  Our backyard is sodden... I hope you...

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Central North News – July 2022

Tena koutou, Wow, winter is well and truly here! With these cold days and nights, I hope you are keeping warm and indulging in some yummy winter meals!  I have to say winter soups and stews are what I love best about these colder months.Christine FrostCentral North...

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Central North News – May 2022

Kia ora koutou, Wow, how time has flown! Here we are in term 2 already. I hope everyone had a nice Easter break and has managed to make it through the school holidays. Here’s hoping that this term is the beginning towards some form of normality now that we are in the...

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Central North News – April 2022

Kia ora everyone I don’t know what its been like in your community, town and city recently, but in ours its been very quiet. People have been dealing with making sure their own whānau has endured this virus as it impacts services, product delivery and shopping items...

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Central North News – March 2022

Nga mihi nui kia koutou/Greetings to you all  Here we are in March already, how fast is this year going?! I am hoping that the transition back to School and routines for all of us and our children went as smoothly as could be under the current circumstances. As we sit...

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