CEO Message February 2025

Kia ora
I hope you all had a restful holiday season and managed to enjoy some lovely warm weather, as I know parts of the country experienced below average temperatures. I’m feeling refreshed after a nice long break and my cup is full, thanks to time spent with friends and family.
This newsletter will coincide with the back-to-school transition for many of you. I know this can be a time of mixed emotions and anxious feelings, so please don’t be too hard on yourself, or your child for the first few weeks back. It is a good time of year to practice parenting with curiosity and empathy. Consider the model of PACE – click here if you need a refresher.
2025 will bring some new opportunities for caregivers and those involved in the care sector. We have some exciting new self-directed training coming in Term 2. An interactive guide to the National Care Standards, and our shorter coffee-break sessions, which will be far more manageable for your busy days, will come later in the year.
The team is working hard to prepare some events to celebrate your amazing mahi during Foster Care Awareness Week in March. The Excellence in Foster Care Awards is always a major highlight around this time – and this year promises to be no exception.
We look forward to continuing to support you with your caregiving journey this year and will remain your biggest cheerleaders from the sidelines.
Tiaki i a koutou anō (look after yourselves),