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Lower North News – February 2022

Kia ora everyone. Welcome to 2022!  I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday season and were able to spend some time with loved ones. I am back at work now and my hours this year are Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5.30pm.  This coming term I will be focusing on online...

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Lower North News – December 2021

Lower North News – December 2021

Kia ora everyone, It’s nearly Christmas! I have been enjoying the warmer weather but could really do with some more sunny days on our weekends so I can get the fence painted! The spring flowers are everywhere now which is very nice. 😍 Last month I have been able to...

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Lower North News – November 2021

Lower North News – November 2021

Kia ora everyone, It’s been so great to welcome in the warmer weather and longer days since daylight savings. I hope you have managed to get outside, catch up with some of your favourite people, and take in the fresh air and sunshine with a walk or picnic (safe...

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Lower North News – October 2021

Lower North News – October 2021

Tena koutou e hoa, I am back working in our national office now. Over the past month I have been contacting members in my region to check in! I really appreciate it when you phone or text me back so I know you are doing okay. If you need support, please call or text...

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Lower North News – September 2021

Lower North News – September 2021

Kia ora everyone, As I write this, we are again in lockdown. I remember I had just started at Caring Families Aotearoa when we went into the last one. Lockdown is a wonderful opportunity to connect with a lot of caregivers and I am looking forward to doing it again!...

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Lower North News – August 2021

Lower North News – August 2021

Kia ora everyone, I hope everyone enjoyed the school holidays last month. These days, children’s lives are so busy, so it’s nice for them to get some wind-down time as well. It has been very wet around the Wellington region – perfect weather for ducks but not much...

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Lower North News – July 2021

Lower North News – July 2021

Kia ora everyone, It is a very wet and windy day out there as I write this, winter is definitely here. I hope everyone is able to stay dry and warm as much as they can. If you live in a cold or damp home (very common in our region!) click the button below to see if...

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Lower North News – June 2021

Lower North News – June 2021

Kia ora everyone, I hope this finds everyone well. I have been waiting for the colder weather to try out my new heat pump. Don’t forget, if you have a community services card, or live in certain areas, you may qualify for a heating and insulation subsidy. Don’t go...

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Lower North News – May 2021

Lower North News – May 2021

Kia ora wonderful caregivers, I hope everyone is keeping well. I have been busy with the wonderful team at the Independent Children’s Monitor (ICM). If you would like to read about them, click here: https://www.icm.org.nz/ . I did a pilot with them last year in the...

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Lower North News – April 2021

Lower North News – April 2021

Kia ora everyone, Well, the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping. I feel like I had so much more planned to do in the garden this summer – roll on next summer. Happy Easter to you all. I hope you get to have a break of some sort during the...

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Lower North News – March 2021

Lower North News – March 2021

Kia ora everyone, I hope everyone is doing well? Children will all be back at school now and hopefully have settled in well. Let’s hope this year is smoother than last and we don't have too many of these little bumps! We had an interesting conversation in February...

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Lower North News – February 2021

Lower North News – February 2021

Kia ora everyone! Happy 2021 to you all. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas with family and friends and found time to relax and recharge your batteries. Let’s hope 2021 is the year to start getting back to normal. I have had a nice break at home where I got so...

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Lower North News – December 2020

Lower North News – December 2020

Kia ora everyone, Christmas is nearly upon us – where has the year gone?! And what a strange year it has been for us all – bring on a healthy, peaceful, and productive 2021. I have been reading some interesting articles about Covid-19 stress and increased mental...

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Lower North News – November 2020

Lower North News – November 2020

Kia ora everyone, I hope your month has gone well. We have been very busy here at National Office with several projects in the pipeline. It really feels like spring now and I have been enjoying the longer days outside. My flowers are starting to bloom, and I have been...

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Lower North News – October 2020

Lower North News – October 2020

Kia ora everyone, Have you noticed it’s lighter in the mornings and it’s getting darker later in the evenings? Yes, Spring is here. I hope you’re managing to get your tamariki (children) to bed as we’ve headed into Daylight Saving! It can be a tough time for all of...

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Lower North News – September 2020

Lower North News – September 2020

Kia ora everyone, Well done everyone, we’re at September in this extraordinary time still dealing with the COVID-19 alert level changes happening around Aotearoa. I hope all your loved ones are keeping well, both physically and mentally. My son is in Auckland and is...

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Lower North News – August 2020

Lower North News – August 2020

Kia ora everyone, I hope your month has gone well? It has been busy here in National Office. We had a great few days at the end of June when all the Regional Coordinators from around New Zealand gathered here for training. It was wonderful to meet everyone in person...

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Lower North News – July 2020

Lower North News – July 2020

Kia ora everyone, Winter has certainly made it's presence felt. I hope you are all managing to stay dry and warm. If I can grab some time, I do like a good book in a cosy home on a cold day. We are all back at National Office now. It has been great to connect with my...

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Lower North News – June 2020

Lower North News – June 2020

Kia ora everyone, I hope the last month has gone well for you. We are working from home until the 9 June, so I am continuing to work my way through calling all our Lower North Members. There is around 800 of you, if you were wondering why I haven’t got to you yet 😊....

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Lower North News – May 2020

Lower North News – May 2020

Kia ora everyone, It’s been lovely getting to speak to so many of you over the last four weeks. I have appreciated the opportunity to do this. One of the things I am pleased to hear about is so many of you are finding the slower pace of lock down to be really...

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